Categories: roofing

6 Reasons Roofing Insurance Claims Are Denied

As a homeowner, dealing with roofing insurance claims can be challenging. Whether you are filing a claim for the first time or had one denied in the past, you must have a good understanding of the entire insurance claims process. In this post, Summit Roofing & Restoration, Inc. lists the top six reasons for insurance claim denials to guide you in the right direction.

1. Lack of Proper Maintenance

Regular roof maintenance is crucial not only in preserving home value and protecting belongings but in filing insurance claims as well. To avoid insurance problems, schedule regular inspections and immediately address any necessary repairs.

2. Incorrect Installation

Insurance companies may not cover roof damage caused by improper installation To protect your investment and avoid claim denials, hire an experienced roofing contractor to install your roof correctly.

3. Failure to Document Damage

Document the damage to your roof by taking photographs, jotting down detailed descriptions and obtaining a professional assessment. Insurance companies may deny claims without sufficient documentation, so ensure you have the necessary evidence to support your claim.

4. Filing a Claim Too Late

Be aware of any time restrictions and act promptly to prevent denied claims. After discovering roof damage, make sure to file a claim with your insurance company immediately. 

5. Uncovered Perils

Review your insurance policy to ensure you are protected, and adjust coverage as needed to avoid denied claims. Uncovered risks may include damage caused by animals, mold or other factors

6. Misrepresentation or Fraud

Be honest and provide accurate information when filing a claim to avoid potential denials. Insurance companies may deny claims if they suspect fraud or misrepresentation, leaving you responsible for the costs.

Understanding the reasons for denied insurance claims and working with a professional roofing contractor can make a significant difference in the outcome of your claim. If you’re looking for a reputable company to help you with your roof repair or roof replacement project in Atoka, TN, you can trust Summit Roofing & Restoration, Inc. Call (901) 430-1974 or complete our contact form to schedule a consultation.

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