Categories: roofing

How to Choose a Roofing Material for Your Home

When it’s time to choose a roofing material for your home, you might be overwhelmed with various options. Whether you’re working on a new construction project or replacing an old roof, the materials you choose are crucial for the safety, efficiency and aesthetic appeal of your home. Keep reading as Summit Roofing & Restoration, Inc. explores some important factors you should consider.

Assess Local Climate and Weather Challenges

If you reside in an area with diverse weather conditions, experiencing intense sunlight, occasional storms, and potential storm damage, consider your roofing needs carefully. You need a roofing material that can hold its own against such elements. Materials like asphalt shingles and metal roofing are both suitable for such climates, providing durability against harsh weather, while slate tiles offer exceptional longevity and weather resistance.

Consider the Style of Your Home

The architecture of your home is essential in choosing the right roofing material. For instance, traditional homes with a classic style might benefit from the timeless look of slate tiles or wood shakes. On the other hand, contemporary homes could pull off metal panels or even solar roofs for a modern and energy-efficient approach.

Evaluate a Roof’s Lifespan and Maintenance

While an asphalt shingle roof may appear cost-effective, it usually lasts only 25 years. Slate, metal, or clay tiles offer longer durability and better long-term value. Moreover, keep in mind that each material has unique maintenance requirements. For instance, wood shakes may need more upkeep to prevent mold and rot, while metal roofing tends to require lower maintenance.

Understand the Installation Process and Cost

Simpler, lightweight materials like asphalt could potentially cost less, but heavier materials like clay tiles or slate will require professional roofers with specialized skills. A roofing contractor’s expertise can lead to a higher installation cost. Always consider the bigger picture when it comes to the financial aspect of the project.

Examine a Material’s Energy Efficiency and Environmental Impact

Lastly, energy efficiency can’t be overlooked. Reflective or “cool” roofing materials could lower energy costs by keeping your home cooler. Newer materials like solar roofs can even generate electricity, significantly reducing your energy bills. Environmentally conscious homeowners may want to prefer eco-friendly options like recycled metal roofing or living roofs.

At Summit Roofing & Restoration, Inc., we are equipped to guide you through the process, ensuring that your roofing choice meets your personal preferences and suits your area’s climate. Call us at (901) 430-1974 or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation.

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