Categories: roofing

How to Prepare Your Roof Before a Storm Hits

There’s only so much your roof can endure when it faces inclement weather. Yours might be built to correct specifications and maintained regularly by a trusted roof repair contractor,  but even when it’s not storm season, it helps to be prepared in the event of severe weather.

How Does Severe Weather Affect Your Roof?

Your roof is exposed to different kinds of severe weather conditions, including heavy snow, high winds, and torrential rainfall. It may still be intact once these elements subside, but you can be certain that it may have sustained damage as soon as water starts accumulating beneath the surface. This can happen due to leaks from the gutter system or when rainwater seeps through loose tiles or shingles.

The constant freezing and thawing of water due to fluctuating winter temperatures can also cause damage if your roof isn’t properly prepared for the weather. This is because of the ice dams that can form at the roof’s base and impede water flow. This can lead to moisture buildup within the roof’s structure, ending up with mold and rot damage on the wooden components.

Steps to Prevent Extensive Damage to Your Roof

There are several steps you can take to ensure the damage your roof and home may sustain in the event of severe weather is only minimal. Trusted roof repair contractor Summit Roofing & Restoration, Inc. discusses each one below:

  • Trim Nearby Trees and Branches

Do you have trees growing on your property? They may be a sight to behold when they line up your home, but if they’re within falling distance of your roof, they may end up damaging it when facing high wind speeds. Even the branches hanging near or above your roof can put your roof at risk when they snap and fall off during a storm. 

Nearby trees and branches pose a risk to your roof and the rest of your home exterior. This is because they can easily fly off during strong winds and cause damage to the roof and several areas of the exterior. Before bad weather hits your area, make sure that any nearby tree or branch is either trimmed or cut down. This should lower the risk of damage and help avoid unwanted roofing repairs as you prepare for the storm.

  • Consider Covering Your Roof

Any professional roof contractor can agree that asphalt shingles are one of the most economical roofing materials available. They’re affordable yet offer reliable weather protection for your home. But although they provide good protection against the elements, they tend to be susceptible to cracks and splits under severe weather conditions. This can lead to water leaks and internal damage that can compromise your roof’s structural integrity. 

Fortunately, you can give your asphalt shingle roof an extra layer of protection with plywood or some other roof covering. However, you can’t just use any other type of plywood to cover your roof. You need to make sure that you choose one that’s been treated by a water-resistant product to be effective in keeping your roof safe and dry. Plywood tends to be more expensive than shingles but they’re worth the investment if they can protect your roof from hurricanes and other intense weather events.

You can also consider placing roof sheets over your roof replacement before the storm hits. They’re highly effective in keeping water out of your home, but not all products offer adequate protection against the weather. Choosing inexpensive products won’t be ideal as they may not seal well and expose your roof. Make sure the sheets are properly-installed and sealed so your roof stays safe and dry. 

  • Clean Your Gutters Thoroughly

A well-built roof isn’t complete without a sturdy and reliable gutter system to channel water runoff safely toward the drains. They can also be effective during storms, but they have to be clean and free of debris to prevent clogs from causing problems to your roof. It may sound like a tedious endeavor, but also worth the effort if it means keeping your roof safe from severe weather.

You need to use a sturdy ladder, safety goggles, and gloves when cleaning your gutters. This is much safer instead of walking on your roof’s surface and leaning over your gutters, as you’ll only put your safety at risk. You’ll also need to clear any accumulated leaves, branches, and other debris off the rest of your roof’s surface so that the water runoff won’t wash them into your gutters and cause clogs. 

If you want your gutter cleaning tasks to be less tedious, consider investing in a gutter protection system. Gutter guards can go a long way in keeping your system clog-free, especially during severe weather. And if you find damage in some sections, don’t turn a blind eye and have them repaired by a trusted roof replacement contractor.

  • Park Your Vehicles in Your Garage

Lack of preparation opens up your home to damage in the event of severe weather. Any vehicle parked on the driveway on your home property can also get damaged by loose shingles or other flying debris, so make sure to park them in your garage to keep them safe. 

  • Clear Out Debris and Secure Outdoor Equipment

It’s also prudent to check your home property for any material or debris that may turn into harmful projectiles when the storm hits your area. This means disposing of them properly if they’re mostly junk, but as for some of the lawn furniture and equipment, consider securing them in your shed or garage so that they won’t fly off or damage your property during severe weather.

Turn to Us for Your Roofing Needs

Keeping these steps in mind helps ensure your roof’s protection in the midst of inclement weather. However, in case a severe storm ravages your roof, don’t waste precious time searching for a roof contractor. Make Summit Roofing & Restoration, Inc. your first call. We can assess the condition of your roof and locate water leaks, broken or missing shingles, damaged or warped gutters, ice dams, and other issues. These can take a toll on your roof, and failure to address these can render your roof less effective and weather-resistant. Count on our experts to plan an efficient solution to minimize the damage and restore your roof. Not only that, but we can also help you navigate the entire insurance claim process.

For a free estimate, give us a call today at (901) 430-1974, or fill out our convenient online contact form.

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