Categories: roofing

Is It Possible to Have Your Roof Decking Repaired?

Your roof has more components than what you can see from its surface. One of the most vital parts of a roofing system is the decking. Without it, the system will not have the support and strength it needs to keep your home protected against harsh weather and elements. You can think of the decking as the foundation of your roof. It helps prevent leaks, water damage and other costly issues.  

A common question homeowners ask is they can have their roof decking repaired. Continue reading to find out the answer from a trusted roofing contractor

Roof Decking: What It Is and the Role It Plays

Roof decking may come in concrete, wood, steel and other materials. This component stands between the shingles and your home. The decking is secured to your home’s rafters and it supports the weight of the roof. It also gives your roof and interior an extra layer of protection against leaks. 

Keep in mind that the decking is important to the structural integrity of both your roof and home. It keeps rafters in place, helping ensure they maintain proper spacing throughout the years. Even if you can’t see it like shingles, it’s still essential to give it regular care. When getting a roof replacement, you must consider the state of the decking first.

One more thing that your roof deck does is maintain healthy moisture levels in your home. It keeps rain and snow out, letting any additional moisture escape through the attic. Usually, homes have roof underlayment installed between the deck and shingle for protection against moisture and improved ventilation. 

How Do You Know If Your Roof Deck Has Damage?

Remember that not all signs of roof damage are obvious or easy to spot. While you’ll easily notice if there are missing, fading, or deteriorating shingles, finding out if the decking has damage is tougher. However, there are warning signs you can look out for to avoid further damage to your home. 

If there are leaks throughout your home, no matter how big or small they are, there’s a chance a damaged decking is causing the issue. Check your walls and ceilings for dark stains because they can indicate water damage due to damaged shingles or decking. Another typical sign of a damaged decking is sagging ceilings. This problem is more common in roof decks made of wood.  

Make sure to contact a roof repair expert as soon as possible if these signs are present in your home. Dealing with roofing issues ASAP can help you avoid problems like water leaks, mold growth, rot, pests, and increased energy bills. At Summit Roofing & Restoration, Inc., we’re always here to help with your home’s roofing needs. You can count on our experienced team for prompt and efficient service.

What Are the Common Causes of Roof Deck Damage?

Insufficient Attic Ventilation

With proper attic ventilation, you can eliminate excess moisture and heat in your home. When warm, moist air accumulates in your attic, it can compromise various components of your roof, including the decking. It can speed up the deterioration of your roofing system and damage your attic insulation. Poor ventilation also often leads to mold and mildew growth. A poorly ventilated can cause warping of your roof decking, especially if its material is quite thin. 

Excessive Snow Loads

Your roof deck can experience damage due to heavy snow loads, especially if the snow remains on your roof for an extended period. Damage will also likely develop in areas where there are missing shingles due to the sun’s harmful UV rays, high winds, or age. Roofing systems typically last around two decades, depending on the material. Other factors like climate and quality of installation can also affect your roof’s lifespan. Moreover, an experienced roofing contractor can help you select the best materials for your roof and location. 

Faulty Solar Panel Installation

Improper solar panel installation also often leads to roof decking damage. Adding solar panels to your home is a great way to reduce your energy costs and carbon footprint. However, its installation must be done carefully and correctly to avoid roof damage. These panels are usually quite heavy, which can contribute to the warping or splitting of the deck. Before getting them, it’s best to consult experts first to determine if your roof and home can handle their load. Also, only hire experienced professionals for their installation. 

Can You Have Roof Decking Repaired?

You’ll likely need to get a new deck if your existing one has damage, especially if it is rotting. The best way to prolong the life of your roof is to invest in durable and high-quality decking. Delaying a roof deck replacement will only lead to expensive repairs and mold growth, which can affect the appeal and indoor air quality of your home. Mold is among the last things you want in your interior, especially if someone in the family has allergies, asthma, and other respiratory conditions. 

If you are getting a roof replacement, it makes more sense to also replace the deck. Loose, missing, or damaged shingles will cause water to penetrate the roof decking, resulting in rot. Your contractor requires a sturdy base where they will install the new shingles, another reason to replace your decking along with your roof. 

Regular maintenance goes a long way in prolonging the life and efficiency of your roof decking. Get routine inspections from experienced professionals at least once a year and after severe weather events. Don’t forget to routinely check the condition and clean your gutter system. If shingles are damaged, be sure to have them repair or replaced immediately. 

Keep in mind that it’s always best not to delay a roof repair or replacement. For the needs of your home’s roof, Summit Roofing & Restoration, Inc. is ready to help! We only work with leading manufacturers in the industry to provide you with the best roofing services. Give us call at (901) 676-7449 or fill out our contact form to get a free quote. 

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