Categories: roofing

Roof Maintenance Myths Homeowners Should Forget

Maintaining your roofing system can be quite a challenge and unfortunately, homeowners are unaware that many of the roofing problems they encounter result from roofing upkeep myths. To guide you through effective roof upkeep, here are some of the misconceptions you should stop believing listed by your trusted roofing contractor

  • “The roofing warranty covers all issues.” Storm damage repairs and replacement are not included in this feature, especially problems resulting from poor maintenance. This is because manufacturers and companies only provide coverage against material defects and poor installation.

  • “Modern roofs don’t need upkeep.” Despite the advancements in modern roofing technology, there isn’t a 20-year maintenance-free roof. A proactively-maintained roof has the potential to last well beyond its warranty with proper care and regular maintenance nonetheless.

  • “The cheaper, the better.” Roof repair and installers remind people that “if it’s too good to be true, it probably is.” Should a product cost a fraction of the usual, there’s bound to be a valid reason for it. Similarly, with contractors, more skilled and experienced roofers will know exactly what the job requires and will quote accordingly without cutting corners. Hence, getting a quote or estimate that is at least below the usual is considered suspicious.

  • “You can repair your roof on your own.” DIYs in most home improvement projects are not advised due to various reasons. This may include safety and quality concerns. It is always best that you hire a professional to work on your roofing system for the proper execution and your protection. Take note that only a reputable and experienced contractor has the knowledge and adequate experience to perform the inspection, repair, or renewal. They also have access to the right tools and equipment.

Want to have your residential roofing checked? Summit Roofing & Restoration, Inc. is a family-owned and -operated roofing replacement and repair company that delivers top-quality service to every customer. We’re GAF Master Elite® factory-certified residential contractor, which means we’ve completed extensive manufacturer training to learn state-of-the-art installation techniques. Please call our friendly team at (901) 676-7449 or contact us online to learn more.

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