Categories: roofing

Questions to Ask During a Roof Inspection

Purchasing a home is a major decision. That’s why you should take extra care in checking the property and making sure everything is accounted for before signing any deals. The roof is usually a crucial part that requires a closer look. It would be wise to have the roof inspected so that you can get a full picture of its condition. Generally, you should avoid homes with old or damaged roofs as these would only create additional expenses for you. 

To save yourself from the extra costs of roof repair or replacement, call up professional roofers and ask the following questions during the roof inspection.

How Old Is the Roof?

Roofs can last for around 20 years if they’re regularly maintained. If the roof is already approaching its 20-year mark, you might want to rethink buying that home. Old and aging roofs will require more maintenance, and they become more prone to issues as years go by. 

Are There Any Damage to the Roof?

The roofing system should be sound and functional. If there are any damages to the roof, you’re in for a lot of trouble. Some specific types of damage that you should especially look out for are cracks, leaks, molds, etc.

Is the Roof Built With Proper Roof Ventilation?

Proper ventilation in the attic is crucial to the longevity and performance of a roof. Poorly ventilated roofs are usually prone to overheating and humidity issues. Excessive heat can cause shingles to become brittle more quickly, making the roof less resilient. This means that the shingles can be easily knocked loose during a strong wind. 

Summit Roofing & Restoration, Inc. offers a range of top-quality products and world-class service. Whether it’s a small leak or extensive storm damage, you can count on our crew to provide quality repairs. We also carry out roof replacement and commercial roofing jobs.

Call us at (731) 206-3821 (Dyersburg) or (901) 676-7449 (Atoka). You can also fill out our contact form to request a free estimate.

Summit Roofing Team: