Categories: roofing

What Are the Most Common Residential Roofing Issues?

Routine maintenance certainly goes a long way when it comes to prolonging the life of your roof. An efficient system ensures that your home and family stay protected from extreme weather and harsh elements. You should take a proactive approach to residential roof repair and maintenance. It is never a good idea to wait until water leaks inside your home to have your roof checked. 

Keep reading to learn common roofing issues homeowners deal with. 

Insufficient Ventilation

With proper ventilation, warm, moist air from your attic can escape through the roof. It is vital to the longevity of your roof and in maintaining good indoor air quality. Ventilation naturally occurs when vents are installed at the base of the roof and the ridge. Humid air escapes through the top, and cool air enters through the bottom. This process does not need any mechanical equipment because warm air rises on its own. An experienced roofing contractor can help you determine if your roof is well-ventilated. 

If your roof does not have sufficient ventilation, warm, moist air will accumulate in your attic. As a result, the temperature and moisture levels in that space will increase, increasing the likelihood of mold and mildew growth. It can also risk different parts of your home of damage, such as shingles, rafters, sheathing, and insulation. Another problem that poor ventilation will cause is higher energy costs. The heat from the attic can reach your living spaces, causing your HVAC system to work harder and consume more energy. 

Poor Maintenance

Getting regular inspections and maintenance from a professional can help delay the need for a roof replacement. You should also get your roof inspected after an extreme weather event, even if it looks alright from the ground. Experienced roofers can spot damage that homeowners would otherwise miss.

Roofing systems deteriorate as they age, and you can slow down this process by taking proper care of yours. Make sure to address repairs immediately and not when there is already water leaking into your home. You will know that a roof is neglected if it is sagging and has massive holes or mildew growth. 

Improper Installation or Poor Workmanship

Be sure to thoroughly assess a roofing contractor before hiring one. A new roof can be a significant investment, and you can make the most of it by hiring an experienced installer. Asking your friends, family, and neighbors for referrals would be a great start in your journey to finding the right roofer. You can also go online and search for local contractors near you. 

You want to work with a company that is properly documented or has proper licensing, bonding, and insurance. Check your prospective contractor’s standing with the Better Business Bureau online and read reviews. Most companies today have websites where you can view photos of their previous projects. 

Keep in mind that the consequences of poor installation can often take months or even years to become apparent. When you notice the issue, it is likely too late for minor repairs. In some cases, you may even need to have the roof replaced completely. 

Storm Damage

Even high-quality roofs can suffer damage from a serious weather event. While modern materials are made to withstand impact, hail, temperature extremes, and severe storms, they can only take so much. There is also wind-blown debris, such as tree branches, that can scratch and puncture the roof’s surface.

After a storm, it is always a good idea to get a professional roof inspection to be sure your system is in good shape. If it needs repairs, have them done as soon as possible. Some insurance companies also have a deadline when it comes to filing claims. To avoid out-of-pocket expenses, have your roof checked immediately following a weather event. Moreover, be careful of storm chasers or people who take advantage of homeowners. These individuals may claim that your roof needs repairs or a replacement when it doesn’t. It is always better to hire a reputable local company for your roof repair needs. 

Moisture-Related Problems

When your roof leaks, your home will be at risk of moisture-related problems. No matter what caused the leak, you must catch it before it is too late. Detecting leaks in their early stages can help avoid major roof and home repairs. 

Ignoring leaks can cause issues, such as mold and mildew, which are not great for your indoor air and family’s health. Rot is another common problem caused by excessive moisture. Do not wait before roof leaks start to affect the walls and structure of your home before dealing with them. 

Overhanging Tree Branches

Are there trees surrounding your home? If there are, it is a good idea to keep the branches trimmed to prevent them from scratching the surface of your roof. During a storm, they can also make your roof more prone to damage. The weight of the branches can put a strain on the roof, causing it to sag. Fallen limbs can cause significant damage as well. 

Asphalt Shingle Granule Loss

Asphalt shingles have granules embedded in them during manufacturing. These granules improve the appeal of your roof and its protection against the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays. Some of the granules can fall off during installation, but those are just mostly excess ones. However, they can also start to fall off as your roof ages or due to impact from hail. You will know your roof is suffering from significant granule loss if there are bald spots or discoloration on its surface. It is a common sign that the system is reaching the end of its life. 

Gutter Damage

Gutters prevent water damage on different parts of your home, including the roof, siding, basement, and foundation. A clogged gutter system will cause water to back up to the roof, overflow to the rest of your exterior, and cause damage. It can also increase the chances of erosion and ruin your yard. You can avoid all these issues by keeping your gutters clean and maintaining them regularly. 

Turn to Summit Roofing & Restoration, Inc. for quality roof replacement and repair services. Call us at (731) 206-3821 (Dyersburg) or (901) 676-7449 (Atoka). You may also fill out our contact form to get a free estimate. 

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